Novapolis Sport Club


Novapolis Sport Club logo

Sweat refines!

That’s the way it goes! So, we rightly set up a refinement club. The Novapolis Sport Club offers a range of activities for breaking out into a sweat. Smiling is also welcome. The name refers to a sports club, because it’s nice for adults to be a member of a club and dress up in colours.

However, how ‘athletic’ we are is another question. Yes, it is more a question of going together to enjoy life with different activities. The most important thing is not to be the fastest and the strongest, good feelings are sought in this group. Each activity comes with the right coach, who sheds light on the secrets of the activity in question.

Sports are suitable for everyone, regardless of your fitness level or gender.

Sign up for the sport you are interested in, starting from €10 / club

Some accept sports vouchers, some take cash or credit card. Fees paid on arrival. Preregistration is required. Places are filled in order of registration.

So grab your friend or family member and come play sports with us!

Spring/Summer 2024 of Sport Club:

Sign up


If you are prevented from coming, please cancel your booking as soon as possible, so that we can get someone to take your place. The Friday before the sports day is the last day of cancellation. You can also activate your coworkers if you are unable to attend. We will charge the full fee for booking not cancelled on time.

If you become ill or have some other sudden challenges to handle, please contact +358 40 707 2816 or

Lasersota mainoskuva.

Tue, Apr 16 – Laser Game

Megazone Kuopio at 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Leväsentie 2 B, 70700 Kuopio

Please make sure to be on site by 4:45 PM.

The immensely popular, fun, and futuristic indoor laser tag game is suitable for everyone, regardless of fitness level, who seeks adventure!

This activity undoubtedly adds a delightful change to traditional workouts and is sure to put a smile on your face.

We recommend wearing sporty clothing as you might break a sweat!

Price: €15 per person

Payment on-site. Accepted payment methods include card, cash, and digital fitness vouchers.

Sign up Website

Thu, Apr 18 – Novapolis x Voimakellari: Morning Workout

Voimakellari Novapolis at 07:30 A.M. to 08:15 A.M.
Microkatu 1 H, 1st floor, 70210 Kuopio

The collaboration between Novapolis and Voimakellari deepens, and during the spring/summer season of 2024, we will be organizing complimentary morning workouts for our customers at the Voimakellari gym within Novapolis!

In the Novapolis x Voimakellari morning workouts, we focus on improving body control, flexibility, and strength with changing themes. The goal is to learn to perform various exercises with the correct technique and receive tips for self-guided training. The diverse Novapolis x Voimakellari morning workouts are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, ages, and genders.

The duration of the workout is 45 minutes. Please wear suitable workout attire. Separate changing rooms are available for both men and women at the gym. Please arrive on time!

In celebration of this collaboration, Novapolis is offering these workouts free of charge, and each session accommodates up to 8 participants.

Sign up Website

Thu, May 16 – Novapolis x Voimakellari: Morning Workout

Voimakellari Novapolis at 07:30 A.M. to 08:15 A.M.
Microkatu 1 H, 1st floor, 70210 Kuopio

The collaboration between Novapolis and Voimakellari deepens, and during the spring/summer season of 2024, we will be organizing complimentary morning workouts for our customers at the Voimakellari gym within Novapolis!

In the Novapolis x Voimakellari morning workouts, we focus on improving body control, flexibility, and strength with changing themes. The goal is to learn to perform various exercises with the correct technique and receive tips for self-guided training. The diverse Novapolis x Voimakellari morning workouts are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, ages, and genders.

The duration of the workout is 45 minutes. Please wear suitable workout attire. Separate changing rooms are available for both men and women at the gym. Please arrive on time!

In celebration of this collaboration, Novapolis is offering these workouts free of charge, and each session accommodates up to 8 participants.

Sign up Website

Tue, May 21 – Traditional church boat rowing

Savisaari at 4:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Savisaari, 70200 Kuopio

As a new addition to Sport Clubs spring/summer season, we have the opportunity to try traditional church boat rowing guided by KuHi rowers! The church boat accommodates 8-14 rowers and a coxswain who serves as a guide for the rowing route and directs the rowing technique.

An experienced individual from KuHi rowers will take on the role of coxswain, guiding the rowing and providing instruction on technique.

Church boats have been used since ancient times: rowing to the church and departing from it. If we delve a bit further into history, the Vikings were already rowing with somewhat similar boats.

Jumping back to the present day, there are currently around 400-500 church boats in Finland. Recreational rowing has gained popularity – and why not, when it offers the enjoyment of nature and life! In church boat rowing, that shared positivity is attainable – a good mood rowing together towards the same goal.

So, grab your friends and come row with us!

Price: €5 per person

Accepted payment methods include cash (exact change), bank transfer, or ePassi.

Sign up Website

Thu, Jun 6 – Novapolis x Voimakellari: Morning Workout

Voimakellari Novapolis at 07:30 A.M. to 08:15 A.M.
Microkatu 1 H, 1st floor, 70210 Kuopio

The collaboration between Novapolis and Voimakellari deepens, and during the spring/summer season of 2024, we will be organizing complimentary morning workouts for our customers at the Voimakellari gym within Novapolis!

In the Novapolis x Voimakellari morning workouts, we focus on improving body control, flexibility, and strength with changing themes. The goal is to learn to perform various exercises with the correct technique and receive tips for self-guided training. The diverse Novapolis x Voimakellari morning workouts are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, ages, and genders.

The duration of the workout is 45 minutes. Please wear suitable workout attire. Separate changing rooms are available for both men and women at the gym. Please arrive on time!

In celebration of this collaboration, Novapolis is offering these workouts free of charge, and each session accommodates up to 8 participants.

Sign up Website

Wed, Jun 12 – Golf

Tarina Golf, at 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Tarinagolfintie 19, 71800 Siilinjärvi

Under the guidance of Golf Pro, we will enjoy golf at Tarina Golf’s green and driving range. You will have the opportunity to get acquainted with golf as a sport, learn the right hitting tactics, and understand the significance of using different clubs. More experienced players can refine their hitting tactics with Janne’s guidance.

We recommend wearing weather-appropriate, neat, and flexible outdoor sports attire. No jeans, please.

Golf clubs can be borrowed from Tarina Golf.

This year, we are celebrating the theme of Community, and in honor of this, all are welcome to join our Novapolis Sport Clubs, including those outside our community. So, grab your friends or family members and come sport with us!

Price: €10 per person (includes equipment)

Payment to be made to the Caddie Master on-site. Accepted payment methods include card, cash, and sports vouchers (Smartum, ePassi, Edenred).

Sign up Website

Graafisia elementtejä.


If you are prevented from coming, please cancel your booking as soon as possible, so that we can get someone to take your place. The Friday before the sports day is the last day of cancellation. You can also activate your coworkers if you are unable to attend.

We will charge the full fee for booking not cancelled on time.

If you become ill or have some other sudden challenges to handle, please contact  +358 40 707 2816 or

Contact Us

Ask more about our Sport Club or its sports from our Marketing and Event Coordinator Ida Raja-aho. She will be happy to help you: tai puh. +358 40 707 2816 or

Ida Raja-aho