It’s always a new day – we bring life back to work


CoWork kuvituskuva.

Do you know the feeling of enthusiasm when you arrive in a fascinating and vibrant space? Think what it would be like to work in such a place. All work is no longer site-dependent nor does work have to end at a certain time. That’s why you can take your work with you wherever you go – on a nature trip, around the world trip, at home, or in a surprising place. Novapolis CoWork can also always offer something new, being responsible for both the ongoing change and variation in work, and the yearning for a working community in Kuopio.

A workstation is no longer a station

The conventional way of working is in transition. Although technology has accelerated change, the idea has existed for a long one. More and more people see work as an intensive part of themselves and everyday life. We no longer distinguish between the work and weekday me, rather we determine when and where we do our work.

In the 2020s, there is a need for vibrancy and aesthetics around work. Wherever you work, the workspaces must be functional and, above all, pleasant. Natural light, tidiness, plants, warmth and natural elements stimulate creativity and provide energy. It connects people undetected. When work is fun, your mind is open to meeting people around you. This is how a working community is created that will provide more good feelings and give working life a driving force.

Own peace and quiet does not mean being alone

Novapolis CoWork combines the best parts of the working day. As its name suggests, people are met, ideas are exchanged, and inspiration is achieved by functional working spaces and delicious services. You can also work alone, but surrounded by people. Simply choose a shared space or a quiet place to work. More options are provided with sound-insulated Meeting Boxes, suitable for small, private meetings.

CoWork is a refreshing alternative for people travelling on business, commuters, or entrepreneurs. Especially after the pandemic has forced us to work alone, CoWork brings much-needed community spirit alongside the home office, or just a welcome change from the norm. It also provides companies with a versatile work model offered to employees. Some prefer to to change their working environment from time to time, while others like to always work in the same place. Sometimes, lunch or afternoon coffee in a lively setting brings much-needed inspiration for the working day.

Be the one that optimises your time

KPY Novapolis, located in the growing Savilahti district of Kuopio, is involved in supporting flexible hybrid work and reforming the working day experience. CoWork has now been opened as the place for encountering the community and driving the work transition, where variation, experience and community spirit become reality.

CoWork represents a new age working experience, where everyday life is first and foremost lively and encouraging, and never lonely. If you want some variety for your working day, flexibility, liveliness (and quiet, if needed), colour, lushness, aesthetics, and good acoustics, this is for you. And if you enjoy a lunch and coffee break with little culinary moments, it might be time for you to try something new.

The new era of work has begun

CoWork’s facilities are available cost-effectively with a monthly pass or a day pass. You can easily purchase your pass from the CoWork online store or via the app. Join the work revolution and reserve your space at

Get your CoWork pass now

Novapolis CoWork – Always a new day.