KPY Novapolis expands its community work environment


Viestikadun CoWork-havainnekuva
Observation picture. Kuva: Aare Visuals/ Titi Reijonen ja Iida Aalto.

KPY Novapolis, based in Kuopio, is building a community CoWork environment in the Viestikatu tower building. In the upgrade, the premises of the Antell HighWay restaurant are converted into a workspace and restaurant environment. This change continues on the CoWork investment completed in Microkatu in 2022.

To be completed in autumn 2023, the work environment will include workstations, an event stage, community meeting places, and soundproofed quiet spaces for various meetings and web conferences. At the same time, the meeting facilities in Viestikatu will be upgraded by investing in the ambience, functionality and versatility of the premises.

“Last year, we made a significant investment in the community work environment in Microkatu. The shared workspaces have provided extra flexibility for growing enterprises and increased the attractiveness of Microkatu. Many of our new clients have gravitated towards a CoWork environment. CoWork is a place where it is easy to join in and connect with others. In order to improve the sense of community and workday experience, we now want to create the same kind of experience in Viestikatu,” explains Anssi Lehikoinen, Chief Executive Officer of KPY Novapolis.

The design of the new CoWork environment is the responsibility of Titi Reijonen and Iida Aalto / Aare Visuals, a design company based in Kuopio. The modification work will start in Mid-August. The works will be arranged so that they will cause as little disturbance to the restaurant’s customers as possible. The restaurant is closed during the renovation. We will inform you more about this later.

CoWork environments will be free of charge for Novapolis clients

CoWork is part of the wider range of services at Novapolis. It also comprises, e.g. various events, leisure activities and conference services. As from August, the tenants of KPY Novapolis will have the opportunity to use the community workspaces free of charge.

The community work environments are available for use by everyone, also those outside Novapolis. You can join CoWork with the Novapolis CoWork app developed especially for that purpose. The app offers daily and monthly passes. As from this autumn, when you purchase a pass, you will be able to work in the Microkatu and Viestikatu CoWork spaces for the same price.

“We want to offer our clients more solutions that are flexible and collective for changing the way we work.  CoWork further promotes the versatility and scalability of ecosystem and workplace solutions at Novapolis according to the needs of our clients,” says Jukka Turunen, Sales Director of KPY Novapolis.

As a tenant in Novapolis and you want to use CoWork?

Our service expert, Oona Utriainen, is happy to help and guide you to take the CoWork in use and to answer any questions you may have. Contact Oona: or tel. +358 40 624 5410.

Furhter information:
Anssi Lehikoinen, CEO
tel. +358 50 328 2648 

Read more about CoWork

Viestikadun CoWork-havainnekuva Viestikadun CoWork-havainnekuva Viestikadun CoWork-havainnekuva. Viestikadun CoWork-havainnekuva Viestikadun CoWork-havainnekuva
Observation pictures. Kuvat: Aare Visuals/ Titi Reijonen ja Iida Aalto